馬德里, 西班牙

馬德里, 西班牙

在的低價住宿 馬德里


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馬德里 西班牙

Madrid has a tempo of its own: The dry air of the Castilian plain crackles with its cosmopolitan crowds. If the illuminated shop windows along the Gran Vía, and the unrelenting elegance of Paseo de la Castellana are overwhelming, retreat to Old Madrid. Its tangle of side streets south of Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are what makes the real Madrid. Spend half a day in the Prado Museum, thaat sit to rest on the steps leading down to the lake in lush Retiro Park. The city begins to live it up as soon as the sun goes down. Madrid claims to boast the largest number of bars per capita of any European city. Madrid teems with cultural events all year round. After concert, play or film, you can choose among literally hundreds of tapas bars and an endless array of nightspots. Madrid successfylly combines its cosmopolitan sophistication with its most cherished local traditions, the result is fascinating to explore.

Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
  • Sabatini Gardens
  • Gran Vía
  • Sorolla Museum

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Tour Madrid Andalusia e Toledo, Capodanno a Siviglia

5 目的地 7 晚
holiday package
Tour Madrid Andalusia e Toledo, Capodanno a Siviglia
1.503 € 每位
目的地: 馬德里, 塞維利亞, 科爾多瓦, 格拉納達, 托萊多, 馬德里

Madrid e Andalusia da Madrid

8 目的地 7 晚
holiday package
Madrid e Andalusia da Madrid
1.715 € 每位
目的地: 馬德里, 托萊多, 格拉納達, 巴埃薩, 科爾多瓦, 塞維利亞, 赫雷斯, 加的斯, 馬德里

Spagna Triangolo D'oro da Barcellona

6 目的地 7 晚
holiday package
Spagna Triangolo D'oro da Barcellona
1.878 € 每位
目的地: 巴賽隆納, 馬德里, 阿維拉, 塞哥維亞, 托萊多, Valencia, 巴賽隆納

Nord della Spagna da Madrid

13 目的地 7 晚
holiday package
Nord della Spagna da Madrid
1.593 € 每位
目的地: 馬德里, 布爾戈斯, 利昂, 阿斯托加, 龐菲拉達, 聖地牙哥-德孔波斯特拉, Finisterre, 穆希亞, 阿科魯尼亞, 奧維多, 聖蒂亞納德爾馬爾, 桑坦德, 畢爾巴鄂, 馬德里